In an era where anything and everything will go viral dancing has played a major role in social media. Tik Tok is an app that was released in late 2016 and has brought several viral videos including songs like Old Town Road by Lil Nas X. Recently one famous dance—the Renegade from the song Lottery by K.Camp, has been questioned on who the original creator is. Charli D’Amelio a famous Tik Tok user with over 27.5 million followers was said to be the originator of the dance with 6.3 million likes, but in reality, 14-year-old Jalaiah Harmon from Atlanta had created the dance through Dubsmash on September 2019, which was later recreated by D’Amelio and was popularized on Tik Tok.
Although initially Harmon was not upset about the recreation of the dance, she insisted on being tagged and credited for her dance, but was still ignored.
D’Amelio was deemed the CEO of the Renegade and received all the fame for the dance and its viral light, opening a multitude of opportunities and profiting off it without giving credit to the original creator.
Taylor Lorenz spoke out via Twitter about the injustice Harmon faced by receiving no credit and created several discussions on Twitter about the situation stating, “14-year-old Jalaiah Harmon does the original version of Renegade dance that she choreographed in her Atlanta bedroom last fall. Months later, it became one of the biggest things on the internet and she got no credit” via @taylorlorenz Twitter . On Twitter many discussions were brought on both sides with some saying “They never took credit for the dance though; the dance was already trending on tik tok when they did it. But I’m glad they are giving her the spotlight for her dance now; with their popularity they are allowing her to get more opportunities now…I think we should be glad”, Via @emilyalvarado Twitter. Others claim that the credit should have been given in the first place. “She should’ve had the recognition in the first place. Whenever I go on the app if there is a dance everyone usually tags the original post whether it be in the comments or the description. Why was she excluded from this? Why were these already popular creators getting credit for her work?” via @justanothergemm Twitter.

After being sought out for credit Harmon has no ill feeling for D’Amelio, but instead hopes to one day dance together. Now, D’Amelio is glad to give credit and stated he was “so glad to know who created the dance”. On February 16, 2020 Harmon and D’Amelio collaborated and Harmon was able to teach D’Amelio the original dance. On that same day Harmon was able to dance the Renegade at the NBA all-star game.
Finally Harmon received the rightful recognition she deserved.