Have you ever had those thoughts that you NEED a good vacay, but feel like the real life (school or work) is kicking your ass? I definitely know I have! Some people might think it’s not possible to travel for various reasons.One of them is mostly because of mula($$$). It may seem like the main obstacle when it comes to traveling,but it doesn’t have to be that way. Honestly, it’s all about sacrifice, time management, and budgeting.
Now I know you want treat yourself, shop ‘til you drop, or turn up, which is totally fine! I know that’s what I do. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be every weekend. I usually like to plan ahead, when it comes to going out. I tell myself, “Ok, I already went out with my friends today, so I’ll go back out in a couple weeks.” If you do plan on traveling, whether it’s summer vacation, spring break, or winter break plan it at least 2-3 months ahead! Sometimes, you can even plan it within weeks.
I had the chance to interview one of my good friends from college, Melissa Jimenez
(IG: @delrosarioadventures) who recently just went to Europe alone for 3 months!
If you check out her page, she’s been to Mexico, Cuba, Europe, NYC, Chicago, LA & more! She was able to all make it happen by not letting stress get in the way and just went for it. Which is truly inspiring. So she tells me that once she arrives to her destination, she plays it by ear, ask locals for advice, and make friends along the way. Planning for a get away shouldn’t be stressful but fun as she says. And I completely agree! You can check out her Europe Vlog here! (https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=tc0j2E6qiuA)
Honestly, I feel like you shouldn’t be so hesitant to go on vacation. With the right preparation and timing, you can make it happen! Now THAT’S how you should treat yourself!!
Now, when it comes to budgeting, I write out a list: what I earn every month, my payments, extra payments, what I need to save up for, and what I don’t really need. What I usually do is save $100 every month; I also use this app called Digit. This app saves money for you! In the app, it shows you the amount you have saved and you can withdraw it to your card anytime you want.
You can also write down around how much the trip overall is going to be so you can have an idea of how much you want to save.
For example, I recently went to Costa Rica by myself this summer. Mainly at the beach. So, I write in my journal the price of different Airbnb’s and how much food, drinks, and activities will cost. I add them all up and saved up that amount.
You can always figure out how to save your coins and travel budget friendly.
“I wouldn’t travel for luxury, I would travel for the experience and to explore,” says Melissa. Hostels are the BEST if you’re out of the country. You can meet people from all over the world and live your best life!! Most hostels even hosts events. When I was in Costa Rica, my friends and I ended up going to a “silent party” and didn’t even know about it, haha.
When it comes to traveling, I have no problem choosing spirit airlines. Lol, now we’ve all heard of the low satisfaction about this airline, but y’all, it really comes through!!!!
I paid $380 for a 2 week round trip to San Jose, Costa Rica + $35 luggage! If you don’t feel like paying the $35, then camping backpacks or big backpacks can come through!!!
Now I know school or work can get in the way, but just imagine being at the beach drinking out of a coconut and having the time of your life!
We are all young, so why not? Before I plan out my trips, I do not feel any regret because I know I def deserve this!! And once you’re on vacation, having a badass time, you’re going to know that all your hard work is definitely worth it. I also feel like it’s a great way to treat yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Book that flight and place! If you want to see more pictures of my travel, then you’re more than welcome to follow my
instagram: @priscoto! Also, to save you some extra coins, use this link to get up to $55 off on your first AirBnB!